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Setting up the CLS context

This package provides multiple methods of setting up the CLS context for incoming requests. This is mainly due to the fact that different underlying platforms are compatible with only some of these methods - see Compatibility considerations.

For HTTP transports, the context can be preferably set up in a ClsMiddleware. For all other platforms, or cases where the ClsMiddleware is not applicable, this package also provides a ClsGuard and ClsInterceptor. While both of these also work with HTTP, they come with some caveats, see below.

The ClsModule provides both forRoot and forRootAsync methods to configure these.


imports: [
global: true,
middleware: {
mount: true,
generateId: true,
// ...
export class AppModule {}


imports: [
global: true,
inject: [IdGeneratorService]
useFactory: (idGeneratorService) => ({
middleware: {
mount: true,
generateId: true,
idGenerator: (req) => idGeneratorService.generate(req)
// ...
export class AppModule {}