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Service Interface


The injectable ClsService provides the following API to manipulate the cls context:

The S type parameter is used as the type of custom ClsStore.

  • get(): S
    Get the entire CLS context.

  • get(key?: keyof S): S[key]
    Retrieve a value from the CLS context by key.

  • getId(): string;
    Retrieve the request ID (a shorthand for cls.get(CLS_ID))

  • has(key: keyof S): boolean
    Check if a key is in the CLS context.

  • set(key: keyof S, value: S[key]): void
    Set a value on the CLS context.

  • setIfUndefined(key: keyof S, value: S[key]): void
    Set a value on the CLS context only if it hasn't been already set. Useful for ensuring idempotence if you have multiple entry points.

  • run(callback: () => T): T
    run(options: ClsContextOptions, callback: () => T): T;
    Run the callback in a shared CLS context. Optionally takes an options object as the first parameter.

  • runWith(store: S, callback: () => T): T
    Run the callback in a new CLS context (while supplying the default store).

  • enter(): void;
    enter(options: ClsContextOptions): void
    Run any following code in a shared CLS context. Optionally takes an options object as the first parameter.

  • enterWith(store: S): void
    Run any following code in a new CLS context (while supplying the default store).

  • exit(callback: () => T): T
    Run the callback without access to a shared CLS context.

  • isActive(): boolean
    Whether the current code runs within an active CLS context.

The following methods only apply to the Proxy feature:

  • getProxy(proxyToken: any): any
    Retrieve a Proxy provider from the CLS context based on its injection token.

  • setProxy(proxyToken: any, value? any): any
    Replace an instance of a Proxy provider in the CLS context based on its injection token.

  • resolveProxyProviders(proxyTokens?: any[]): Promise<void>
    Manually trigger resolution of registered Proxy Providers. If an array of injection tokens is provided, resolves only those Proxy Providers.

The following methods involve the plugin lifecycle:

  • initializePlugins(): Promise<void>
    Manually trigger onClsInit hooks of registered plugins.


The run and enter methods can take an additional options object with the following settings:

  • ifNested?:'inherit' | 'reuse' | 'override'
    Sets the behavior of nested CLS context creation in case the method is invoked in an existing context. It has no effect if no parent context exist.
    • inherit (default) - Run the callback with a shallow copy of the parent context.
      Re-assignments of top-level properties will not be reflected in the parent context. However, modifications of existing properties will be reflected.
    • reuse - Reuse existing context without creating a new one. All modifications to the existing context will be reflected.
    • override - Run the callback with an new empty context.
      No values from the parent context will be accessible within the wrapped code.

::: Note

Until v4, the default behavior was override. This was changed to inherit since v4 to make the behavior more intuitive.
